function OptanonWrapper() { } (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-KPNN27K'); CCPA Opt Out Builder | OneTrust

CCPA Opt Out Builder

Customize Styling

Customize Behavior

Implement Code

Customize Styling

Display Settings

Default Text

Display Format

Dialog Position

Dialog Colors

Content Settings

Dialog Text

Opt Out/In Toggle

Explicit Notice Link (optional)

What is the California Explicit Notice? Learn More

Consumer Rights Request Form (optional)

Sign up to get access to your own Data Subject Request Portal. Learn More

Email Address (optional)

Toll Free Number (optional)

If a site visitor clicks the Do Not Sell Button, they will be provided with a phone number that they can call if further action is needed to complete the consumer rights request. Learn More about OneTrust's Toll-Free Number Solution

Customize Behavior

Choose which visitors can access the Do Not Sell Link

Customize what happens when a visitor opts out

IAB Limited Service Provider Agreement

The IAB's Limited Service Provider Agreement demonstrates your accountability to ensure that when the consumer opts out, limited personal information is being used only for purposes permitted by the CCPA. Sign the IAB's Limited Service Provider Agreement

Coming Soon...

Implement Code

  • Place the <script> code snippet in the <head> of your website's HTML output, preferably as close to the opening <head> tag as possible.
  • Place the <button> or <a> link snippet in the <body> of your website's HTML wherever you would like it to be available to your users.
  • Remember, the <button> or <a> link snippet will be automatically removed from the page if the user's location does not match the location preference you selected when configuring this script.

Save your Selections

By creating a CookiePro CCPA Opt Out Solution, you’re agreeing to our and .

Consumer Rights

Intake and fulfill opt-out of sale requests, and consumer requests for personal information access and deletion.

Live Preview


Click the link to view a confirmation Dialog


Click the confirm button on the dialog to view a success page

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this solution work with the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework?
Yes, we built the tool using the IAB's Technical Specifications to support CCPA compliance for website and app owners and the digital ad tech ecosystem.
Why should I use this as my company's opt-out solution?
If you collect and transfer the personal information of California residents, you may be subject to the CCPA Opt-Out provision. As the first Opt-Out solution in the industry, you're able to easily create and customize a sleek and actionable “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link or button for your website that integrates with Google Ads Manager and the IAB CCPA Framework. This solution is backed by a premier privacy team and is built on a deep understanding of laws and regulations.
Why do I need to purchase the CookiePro consumer request product?
Consumers have the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information to a third party. Businesses that are subject to CCPA will be required to insert a Do Not Sell link on their homepage — as well as in their privacy policy — that leads to an opt-out page for consumers. Using the Opt-Out builder, you're able to add a link to your request form built by using the consumer request product. Learn more here:
What are the steps that I need to take to implement this onto my website?
There are three main steps in the CCPA opt out tool: 1) Customize the Do Not Sell link/button to match brand colors, 2) Choose who can see the Do Not Sell link based on location and selecting the behavior after opt-out and 3) Copy and embed the code on the website
What does the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework require?
The newly released IAB CCPA Compliance Framework is intended to be used by publishers or advertisers and downstream framework participants that engage or support real-time-bidding (RTB) transactions in the digital advertising industry.
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