On February 23, 2022, the European Commission proposed a new set of rules on the use and access of data stemming from the EU. As the amount of data generated and accessed continues to grow astronomically, the EU Data Act looks to set a regulatory standard around the access of data by different parties.
The goal is to empower consumers, businesses, and public sector bodies with data access rules.
Maragrethe Vestager, EVP, A Europe Fit for the Digital Age, said: “We want to give consumers and companies even more control over what can be done with their data, clarifying who can access data and on what terms…”
What are the key highlights of the EU Data Act?
This new regulation comes on the heels of the Data Governance Act launched in December 2021, as the second legislative initiative under the European Strategy for Data, which, as the European Commission states, “focuses on putting people first in developing technology and defending and promoting European values and rights in the digital world”.
The press release from the European Commission mentions the points below as key inclusions of the Data Act.
Who does the EU Data Act affect?
What does this mean for businesses?
With more control over their data and more avenues to share data, businesses will now be empowered to innovate around the data-driven aspects of their products/services.
The new standard contractual clauses in place will also allow for more balanced data-sharing contracts.
Overall, companies that offer connected products or services will need to look at the effects that increased user access and third-party sharing will have and focus on enabling processes to facilitate these new movements of data as stipulated by the EU Data Act.
Further resources on legislation related to the European Strategy on Data:
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